Doctor Who “Midnight”

Midnight is a 10th episode from 4th season of Doctor Who which I’ve been watching for the past months and really stood from other episodes (there are actually lot of great episodes in the series).

I enjoyed the episode because

  • Entity featured in an episode was scary – first repeating words from other person, than synchronously talking with them. The only episode before when things were scary like this to me, was the The Empty Child (Are you my mommy?)
  • First episode where his companion wasn’t doing much. It was a nice change of pace.
  • Doctor was really scared of this entity at the end because it affected him. He also didn’t have any knowledge of it given his lifestyle.
  • Scenes with people arguing were also one of the best part of the episode. It reminded me of “Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups”.

Trivia: This was the second episode where Doctor’s previous companion was unsuccessfully trying to reach him.