After watching “Enron: The Smartest Guys in the Room”

Enron Stock Price

I watched this documentary previous weekend and it made quite an impression on me. Since then I’ve been googling about things mentioned in it to gain more background (Enron as a company, individuals, concepts like deregulation, different ways of accounting, California electricity crisis,…). The documentary is based on the book with the same name written by reporters Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind who studied one of the largest business scandal in US.

Documentary strengthen my opinion that deregulation is a bad thing and when proven damaging to businesses because it made them hard to compete with new businesses, it should be improved not removed. Absence of any regulation only leads to crises, corruption, frauds (at least in long term). Take financial crisis in 2008 for example. I believe it started making when Ronald Reagan was the US president who began deregulating financial markets (he’s also known as a president who made the most for US economy). Till then US didn’t have any financial crisis since Great Depression (info taken from documentary Inside Job).

Oh, and since we are in the middle of full-blown US presidential campaign, I feel terrified if Hillary Clinton gets elected. That’s because her campaign is backed by Wall Street. No doubt she will then return the favor with deregularization (just as her husband Bill did). I’m also against her because of leaked emails by WikiLeaks which portrait her as very bad person. But that’s a story for another post.

Featured image credit: Enron [Wikipedia]