Being Active 30 Minutes a Day for a Month

Being active 30 minutes a day

This week marked the day I’ve been active for at least 30 minutes a day (walking/running/hiking/exercising at home). I’m super proud of myself right now because I’ve never done something like this before in my entire life. I’m also seeing very positive effects of such commitment on me.

Apart from being fit and good shape the biggest one is that I’m having better sleep, I’m less tired and 8 hours of sleep is more than enough for me to not wake up tired in the morning. Normally it’s even less, and compared to times before commitment, when I needed 9 hours of sleep, it’s awesome feeling.

This is also the reason which keeps me committed to being active 30 minutes a day. It doesn’t matter what hour I pick for it but it’s often between late afternoon (after-work time) and midnight. For example the most late hour I went on recreation is 22.30 – I had a holiday “before new year” dinner earlier and didn’t want to end the steak.

I became interested in running again after realizing my health has improved to the point running don’t make me feel worse afterward.

I also track my activities so I can analize them and gain better understanding about my fitness progress. Tracking helps me plan intensity increase of my next running session. For that I’m using Google Fit which isn’t loaded with as many features as other more recognized fitness apps but for my purpose it’s great. And most importantly, it’s not raping me with annoying ads or asking me to upgrade all the time to see the same stat on a different chart.

The coolest app’s feature for me is pie chart that shows aggregated time of all (different) activities you did today and where time of each completed activity is visually represented with an arc of different color. Only downside for now I see are false-positive trackings of my movement, for example while I’m driving in a car. That’s because you don’t have explicitly start activity to begin tracking. Google Fit on its own can detects when you are moving (but it’s true those trackings can only pinpoint general area where you where at the time of moving).