Hidden figures

Hidden figures

Hidden figures is a biographical movie about three brilliant Afro-American female mathematicians making breakthroughs at NASA back in 60s when USA were racing with Russia for space. It serves as a great example of women actively changing society for the better and from inside.

Women which story is about are Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and Mary Jackson which all had remarkable career as a NASA scientists spanning decades.

  • Katherine Johnson performed calculations for the Apollo II mission to the moon and the Space Shuttle. In 2016 NASA dedicated the Katherine G. Johnson Computational Building in honor of her groundbreaking work in space travel.
  • Dorothy Vaughan became NASA’s first African-American supervisor. She prepared for the introduction of machine computers in the early 1960s by teaching herself and her staff the programming language of FORTRAN.
  • Mary Jackson became NASA’s…and America’s first female African-American aeronautical engineer. In 1979, she was appointed Langley’s Women’s Program Manager where she fought to advance women of all color.

I really liked a moment from the movie where Mary was complaining about obligation to take advanced classes in all-white school to become engineer in still segregated state of Virginia but Dorothy replies her about not wanting to listening to her all day complaining about the way things are. She also says Mary should petition the court and fight for what she wants but quit talking about it.