Category: Books

  • O “V hiši med hribi straši”, Shirley Jackson

    Idejo za to knjigo sem najprej dobil iz revije Bukla, nato se je o njej pojavil tudi prispevek na novičarskem portalu MMC RTV SLO. V našem medijskem prostoru je verjetno letos dobila publiciteto zato, ker je letos prvič dobila slovenski prevod. Knjiga je sicer izšla že leta 1959, postala klasika žanra – o tem priča…

  • O “Ekstradeviško”, Dušan Čater

    Beremo dve zgodbi. Ena se dogaja v sedanjosti s 17-letnim Majem v glavni vlogi, druga pa v obliki dnevnika, ki ga Maj najde v hiši ravno preminulega dedka Franeta na manjšem, neimenovanem jadranskem otoku, definitivno pa na Hrvaškem (omenjeno je, da Maja mama Danijela samega pusti za nekaj dni na otoku, medtem ko gre ona…

  • “Where the crawdads sing” by Delia Owens

    I enjoyed reading this book (details about life in marsh, court scenes, can teach you about treating others in kind way) but it should have finished before last chapter or two. This way the book ending would be positive. But because of revelations in the last chapter, now the main character left a negative impression…

  • “Walking” by Henry David Thoreau

    Walking is an essay by American essayist, poet and philosopher Henry David Thoreau, first published 1862. In it, Thoreau “extolled the virtues of immersing oneself in nature and lamented the inevitable encroachment of private ownership upon the wilderness.” (The Atlantic). Among his other works are book Walden; or, Life in the Woods and essay Civil…

  • “Dark Matter” by Blake Crouch

    “Dark Matter” by Blake Crouch

    If I were to summarize the book Dark Matter by Blake Crouch in one (long) sentence, this would be it: Main character Jason Dessen gets abducted from his universe by his doppelgänger from parallel universe (Jason #2), gets released in doppelgänger universe and after realizing what has really happened to him, tries to find his…