Category: Web development

  • Upgrade to my server infrastructure setup

    In the previous weekend I have made some pretty big changes to my VPS provided by Digital Ocean and where this blog is hosted. Actually two but one is worth mentioning only because it was the reason second happened. So the one not worth mentioning is that I have upgraded my VPS’s operating system Ubuntu…

  • Installing Apache, PHP and MariaDB on Windows manually

    These are the steps I took to install my own (local) web development setup on Windows. I moved away from XAMPP or WAMP installation packages because I want to have a way to change software version of each components easier and registering them as a Windows services. Downloaded the latest version of software: Apache, PHP…

  • On MobX Redux dilemma

    In my experiences using MobX as a state management library produces less code and lets you get things done quicker (two-folded knife!) but with Redux you get a lot of stuff for free – most notable is scalable approach to architecture and maintenance of web applications. I personally prefer Redux also because it’s functional like…

  • New React Context API

    I like new react API for creating and using context. It feels right. One thing I immediately tried to do was creating a helper which simplifies consuming multiple contexts. Because they create context hell. When you component uses more than one context and because of a children as a function pattern (which is basically the…

  • Auto-reloading (safe-write) issues of application development servers

    I have discovered new module bundler for developing applications in JavaScript. It’s called Parcel.js and my initial impressions are positive. That’s what I tweeted about it: Parcel is a web application bundler, differentiated by its developer experience. It offers blazing fast performance utilizing multicore processing, and requires zero configuration. Basically a fast Webpack alternative…