Tag: desktop

  • KDE Connect

    KDE Connect is probably the most useful day-to-day software for me. It’s a set of software that lets you connect your Android phone with your desktop on Linux (in my case Ubuntu). With it you can do lots of useful things. You can: transfer files between phone and desktop, in both directions. mirror notifications from…

  • What I would miss about Ubuntu Unity

    Recently company behind Ubuntu announced it will discontinue developing Unity, Ubuntu’s default desktop environment and for the next LTS Gnome will take its place. The news made me sad because of one feature I really like about Unity which Gnome doesn’t have. And this is global menus where app bar and it’s menu are mixed…

  • Uporaba MimeType v .desktop datotekah

    Uporaba MimeType v .desktop datotekah

    MimeType se v .desktop datotekah v Ubuntuju uporablja za določanje vrst datotek, ki jih dani program, za katerega delamo zaganjalnik, razume oziroma ve, kako odpreti. Z njim na koncu dosežemo, da datoteko/program/mapo odpremo tako, da jo povlečemo in spustimo na ikono programa na zaganjalniku. Za odpiranje datotek je kaj takega skoraj nepotrebno, saj lahko za…

  • Start meni v Windows 8

    Microsoft je v svojem Windows 8 opustil start meni in namesto tega uvedel start zaslon. To meni nikakor ni všeč, pa ne zato, ker ne bi maral sprememb, ampak zaradi tega, ker je start zaslon namenjen predvsem tistim, ki najnovejši Microsoftov operacijski sistem uporabljajo na tabličnih računalnikih in ker start zaslon razmeče nameščene programe po…