Tag: framework

  • Libraries over frameworks

    Lately (in term of years) I noticed I prefer using libraries over frameworks. Or in other words I like to use packages that each do their one thing well rather than one package with all batteries included. I recognize both libraries and frameworks have their pros and cons. You can see my preference for libraries…

  • Starting up with Ember.js

    Here are some beginner’s advices to someone who just decided to start learning Ember.js, a JavaScript framework for building ambitious web applications. Use developer’s edition of the framework when developing, because it includes comments and useful assertions which help you while debugging your application. It also gives you a various notices about deprecated things. Also…

  • Zakaj Flask in ne Django

    Pred nekaj meseci sem se spravil k učenje Djanga, pred mesec nazaj pa sem odkril Flask, ki mi je takoj postal všeč. Za razliko od Djanga je Flask mikro spletno ogrodje. Preprost jedro, a razširljivo. S tem mislim na to, da vsebuje tiste funkcije spletne strani, ki so potrebni za njeno delovanje – privzeto ne…