Tag: Javascript

  • Exporting data as CSV file from web apps (with Golang)

    While you can certainly export data from javascript with two different ways, they both aren’t good solutions. First one doesn’t allow you to name the downloaded file (it’s just download), second is only supported in Chrome, Firefox and latest version of Microsoft Edge (by the time of writing this post). So the only acceptable option…

  • Metalsmith – static site generator

    Past weekend I spent playing with Metalsmith, which is an extremely simple, pluggable static site generator, written in JavaScript. This means package’s only responsibility is copying files from source to destination folder and in a process applying pluggable transformations to those files via external plugins (if you’ve ever used Gulp, this will look familiar to…

  • Starting up with Ember.js

    Here are some beginner’s advices to someone who just decided to start learning Ember.js, a JavaScript framework for building ambitious web applications. Use developer’s edition of the framework when developing, because it includes comments and useful assertions which help you while debugging your application. It also gives you a various notices about deprecated things. Also…

  • Preverjanje pravilnost obrazca z AngularJS

    Preverjanje pravilnost obrazca na strani uporabnika je s pomočjo javascript ogrodja AngularJS preprosto in zabavno (no, vsaj do takrat, ko potrebujemo bolj napredne validacije, ki jih ustvarimo s pisanjem lastnih direktiv). AngularJS sam po sebi že nudi preprosto implementacijo validacije za najbolj pogoste kontrole obrazca (text, url, email, number, checkbox, url, radio) kot tudi nekaj…

  • Razmišljanje v AngularJS

    Eden od boljših prispevkov za začetnike, ki jim miselni preskok na AngularJS z znanjem jQuery povzroča težave. Med njimi sem tudi jaz, z ogrodjem sem se malce resneje začel ukvarjati pred nekaj dnevi. How do I “think in AngularJS” if I have a jQuery background? jQuery knjižnica ne omogoča nič drugega, kot da v manj…