Tag: React

  • On MobX Redux dilemma

    In my experiences using MobX as a state management library produces less code and lets you get things done quicker (two-folded knife!) but with Redux you get a lot of stuff for free – most notable is scalable approach to architecture and maintenance of web applications. I personally prefer Redux also because it’s functional like…

  • New React Context API

    I like new react API for creating and using context. It feels right. One thing I immediately tried to do was creating a helper which simplifies consuming multiple contexts. Because they create context hell. When you component uses more than one context and because of a children as a function pattern (which is basically the…

  • Libraries over frameworks

    Lately (in term of years) I noticed I prefer using libraries over frameworks. Or in other words I like to use packages that each do their one thing well rather than one package with all batteries included. I recognize both libraries and frameworks have their pros and cons. You can see my preference for libraries…

  • The best way of rendering a collection of items in React/Redux

    In short The best way to render a collection in React, backed by Redux or other similar library: store a collection as an object where key is item id and value is item itself. That way when rendering collection, pass only item’s id to the item component. Than in item’s connected component query a collection…