Tag: Redux

  • redux-observable is epic, goodbye redux-thunk and axios

    Redux-observable is alternative way of performing async operations in JavaScript applications that use redux, apart from redux-thunk. And certainly more awesome. It uses RxJS underneath which I already wrote about briefly. Apart from bringing the power of functional reactive programming into my application I also see it as a way to better structure my application…

  • Developing web applications with React and its ecosystem

    React with its component-based approach is fun! But you can find it hard to build web application with it. That’s because React is not a framework. It’s a library which does one part of building web applications, rendering views, and does it well. You need to bring in other libraries (ecosystem) and piece them together…

  • On using Immutable.js

    I’ve been using Immutable.js for quite some time in my non-trivial React/Redux projects and it has been paying off. Beside Redux’s requirement of never mutating its state, the library provides other relevant features that were a deciding factor for me to start using it. This article explains very well, what immutability is, why it is…

  • Learning Redux: A step beyond “todos” and “async” examples

    For the past two days I’ve been into Redux. It’s a framework-agnostic JavaScript library for easier handling of all application’s state. Specialty of Redux is that application state is stored in one object (and not different object for different data domain) and that functions reducers which manipulates part of the state never mutate it but…