Switching from HTTP to HTTPS

Today my virtual private server on DigitalOcean became secure virtual private server. Hell yeah, I enabled HTTPS!

It was simple! I just followed How To Secure Nginx with Let’s Encrypt on Ubuntu 14.04 from DigitalOcean which uses a client provided by Let’s Encrypt to get a free certificate and then enlists steps with how to use it with Nginx to enable HTTPS.

I’ve managed to get it right at the first time. I confirmed it by visiting the site. There were just few warning about an image being loaded from insecure place (mixed content, loaded from HTTP not HTTPS). But that was an easy fix, I just removed protocol from URL so URL is now using relative protocol (= protocol type will be decided based on protocol which site, where URL is found, uses).

I know that using HTTPS for an avarage WordPress blog is useless but because I have other plans for my VPS which will deal with passwords, I wanted to do that.

And a website can never be too secure.

And besides it’s free.

And I’ve also read website ranks better in Google search engine if it’s SSL encrypted.

UPDATE: I returned to read the linked article in this post because I was setting up another 2 sub-domains and in this situation article doesn’t help you fully. Sure, it sets up cert for different domains which points to same site, but not for different sites. But still, that was no biggie. Information I needed was right in Getting started on Let’s Encrypt website – every different site need -w flag following with the path to site’s root directory.