Self-closing tag: Atom plugin for deleting redundant closing tag

Couple days ago I’ve published my first plugin for Atom code editor which I really enjoy using. This plugin is named “self-closing tag” and is useful for situations when you expanded a HTML tag and than you make it self-closed ((By typing “/” before “>” in opening tag.)). Now instead of manually deleting redundant closing tag, the plugin does that automatically for you. So basically this:

GIF of how to use self-closing tag plugin

I got inspiration from WebStorm. My most common use case for it is when defining routes in React application and for tagifying components that receive data only through props.

You can find it in atom packages registry by the name “self-closing tag“.

I was surprised how quickly I managed to publish it (in 2 day) because I had no prior knowledge of writing Atom plugins. I read this fantastic introduction to writing them and beside API reference I also helped myself by reading the source code of a plugin that operates on HTML tags. Not to mention latter plugin was written in CoffeeScript I also weren’t familiar with.