Category: Coding

  • Learning Rust

    For quite some time I am learning to code in Rust. Rust is a system programming language, sponsored by Mozilla, adored by Microsoft and programming language which tops the StackOverflow polls for “most-loved” programming language every year since 2016 (whatever that actually means…). I discovered it while reading tech news related to Firefox, my personal…

  • New React Context API

    I like new react API for creating and using context. It feels right. One thing I immediately tried to do was creating a helper which simplifies consuming multiple contexts. Because they create context hell. When you component uses more than one context and because of a children as a function pattern (which is basically the…

  • Goroutines don’t panic if channel they write to is gone

    Couple of months ago I wrote an article about error handling in concurrent Go programs. One concern I had about it was if other goroutines would panic if some goroutine produces an error value which causes return from function when the channel is iterated with range construct. So I made another program that mimics scenario.…

  • My experiences using Anko library (Android Kotlin)

    I’ve been using Anko library from the start of my Kotlin journey and my experiences with it are mostly positive. According to its Github readme page, Anko is …a Kotlin library which makes Android application development faster and easier. It makes your code clean and easy to read, and lets you forget about rough edges…

  • Error handling in concurrent programs in Golang

    Error handling in concurrent programs in Go consists of little more work than if err != nil { return err } because the return value doesn’t reach intended receiver (for example in parent function where function was fired as a goroutine using go keyword). Just as we use channel for sending resulting data, we must…