Category: Web development

  • Metalsmith – static site generator

    Past weekend I spent playing with Metalsmith, which is an extremely simple, pluggable static site generator, written in JavaScript. This means package’s only responsibility is copying files from source to destination folder and in a process applying pluggable transformations to those files via external plugins (if you’ve ever used Gulp, this will look familiar to…

  • NPM scripts are way cooler than gulp and grunt

    Lately I’ve been building apps in JavaScript and used process of build automation a lot. But for that I didn’t use tools like grunt (actually never used it) or gulp (used it) but with plain ol’ NPM. As you may know, you can define scripts in project’s package.json and then run them with “npm run…

  • My initial experience with React and Flux

    For the past month I’ve been into React and Flux. React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces from folks of Facebook and Instagram. The reason I like React is because it is simple to learn – you learn a great deal about it just by following official tutorial. Another thing I like about…

  • Different .env files for different environments in PHP

    There exists great package for storing private and sensitive informations outside of your PHP code and it is called vlucas/phpdotenv. This package is also used by Laravel 5. Although I like the concept of storing delicate informations in separate file, I don’t like that Laravel 5 ditched Laravel 4 way of handling configuration for different…

  • Oauth2 strežnik in njegova izvedba v PHP (Laravel)

    Sama implementacija Oauth2 strežnika ob pestri ponudbi odprtokodnih knjižnic, ki sam proces precej olajšajo, načeloma ne predstavlja težav. Če pa že ima razvijalec težave, pa so te po mojem mnenju bolj posledica nerazumevanja Oauth2 protokola ter njegovega delovanja. Komunikacija pri oauth2 protokolu Odjemalec naslovi zahtevo na avtorizacijski strežnik (authorization server). V zahtevku mora biti podan…