Tag: book

  • Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)

    In last year I kinda became obsessed with healthy foods. I decided to eliminate sugar (not counting fruit) and processed food and instead incorporate more healing foods into my diet. Examples include green tea, kefir, bone broths and other other inflammatory food. I also became acquainted with so-called healing diets, namely Specific-Carbohydrate diet (SCD diet)…

  • The Couple Next Door by Sheri Lapena (Review)

    The Couple Next Door is an excellent mystery and thriller which is about parents whose 6-month-old baby has been kidnapped while they were on a party next door. While the criminal is being investigated by the police everything is revealed through narratives which are told through eyes of different characters and confrontations with each other.…

  • He had time to kill

    Today I’ve finished reading second book from Tracy Crosswhite series written by Robert Dugoni (you can find my post about the first one here). It’s titled Her Last Breathe but could easily be as the title of this post. Because that’s the phrase main bad guy of the novel, serial killer nicknamed “The Cowboy” fancies…

  • Robert Dugoni: My Sister’s Grave

    This is a very good thriller book I purchased on Kindle Monthly Deals. It’s a story about Seattle homicide detective Tracy Crosswhite whose sister Sarah disappeared and is convinced that Edmund House, man who is serving lifetime prison for her murder, isn’t the real one. She is questioning the evidence and is trying to reopen…

  • The Martian: Book/movie

    I noticed back in September a movie poster for The Martian starring Matt Damon and I didn’t give it much interest. Months passed and I stumbled across The Martian again when I was searching for an inspiration for reading a new book. I spotted it at the New York best-sellers list. So I opened Amazon…