Author: Jernej

  • The best home workout equipment…

    … are gymnastics rings. I have them for a couple of weeks now and I really enjoy working out using them. They are practical because I can perform multiple exercises on them and the only thing I need to set them up is a high enough anchor point. For performing next exercise I just need…

  • Learning Rust

    For quite some time I am learning to code in Rust. Rust is a system programming language, sponsored by Mozilla, adored by Microsoft and programming language which tops the StackOverflow polls for “most-loved” programming language every year since 2016 (whatever that actually means…). I discovered it while reading tech news related to Firefox, my personal…

  • Upgrade to my server infrastructure setup

    In the previous weekend I have made some pretty big changes to my VPS provided by Digital Ocean and where this blog is hosted. Actually two but one is worth mentioning only because it was the reason second happened. So the one not worth mentioning is that I have upgraded my VPS’s operating system Ubuntu…

  • O “V hiši med hribi straši”, Shirley Jackson

    Idejo za to knjigo sem najprej dobil iz revije Bukla, nato se je o njej pojavil tudi prispevek na novičarskem portalu MMC RTV SLO. V našem medijskem prostoru je verjetno letos dobila publiciteto zato, ker je letos prvič dobila slovenski prevod. Knjiga je sicer izšla že leta 1959, postala klasika žanra – o tem priča…

  • O “Ekstradeviško”, Dušan Čater

    Beremo dve zgodbi. Ena se dogaja v sedanjosti s 17-letnim Majem v glavni vlogi, druga pa v obliki dnevnika, ki ga Maj najde v hiši ravno preminulega dedka Franeta na manjšem, neimenovanem jadranskem otoku, definitivno pa na Hrvaškem (omenjeno je, da Maja mama Danijela samega pusti za nekaj dni na otoku, medtem ko gre ona…