Category: Opinions

  • On 13th Doctor casting choice

    Yesterday after Wimbledon’s final match an announcement was made that the next Doctor will play Jodie Whittaker. I find it exciting because it will surely bring a new dimension to the show since all past 12 Doctors were guys. What I didn’t like about the casting choice is how much controversy it generated, especially internet…

  • 3rd Season Finale of The Flash

    3rd Season Finale of The Flash

    Left me cold and little disappointed. They’ve should have thrown Barry into The Speed Force lot sooner and without him knowing so his evil future self, Savitar would not remember it and try to stop him. Him being in The Speed Force would result in Savitar being unable to be born. Also why did Barry’s…

  • What I would miss about Ubuntu Unity

    Recently company behind Ubuntu announced it will discontinue developing Unity, Ubuntu’s default desktop environment and for the next LTS Gnome will take its place. The news made me sad because of one feature I really like about Unity which Gnome doesn’t have. And this is global menus where app bar and it’s menu are mixed…

  • Silicon Valley TV show

    Silicon Valley TV show

    I feel way too late to the party but last Sunday I discovered a brilliant TV series called Silicon Valley. It’s about a tech start-up Pied Piper which tries to secure funds for its idea and along the way overcomes obstacles like creating the business plan, pitching the idea to investors, handling legal issues, growing…

  • Computer Science degree

    Computer Science degree

    Every now and then a message on social networks pops up which devalues Computer Science degree. And unsurprisingly this usually comes from people who don’t have CS degree. When this happens I get the urge to punch this person in the face. But I refrain myself engaging. They think because they are “self-taught” or whatever…